Russian for Academic Purposes



Academic year 2020 / 2021

Russian for Academic Purposes 1 
NameRussian for Academic Purposes 1
ECTS credits2
TeachersSanja Veršić, PhD, Lecturer
HoursPractical foreign language exercises 30
GoalAcquiring basic language competences with the purpose of developing reading, writing and oral skills in Russian.
Teaching methodsDiscussions, questions and answers, demonstrations, research, collaborative and individual learning.
Assessment methodsClassroom participation 5%, homework 5%, oral presentation 30%, mid-term exam 30%, final exam 30%
Learning outcomes1. Use elementary rules of writing, reading and pronunciation in Russian.
2. Use simple phrases and sentences in basic communication in Russian.
3. Understand simple texts while reading (mainly composed from the independent clauses and most frequently used vocabulary).
4. Derive basic information from the listening materials.
5. Recognize and describe specific elements in a language.
Week by week schedule1.
Introduction to a course and learning objectives, review of the syllabus. Determining student obligations. Introduction to the Russian Alphabet.

Accent and intonation. Consonants (assimilation by softness), practicing pronunciation, basic rules of reading.

Vowels in Russian, reduction of vowels. Assimilation of consonsnts by sonority. Practicing pronunciation. Introducing yourself and formal and informal address.

Affirmation and negation (yes/no answers). Gender of nouns. Possessive pronouns. Greetings.

Getting to know each other (formal and informal). Personal pronouns in the Accusative case (Как Вас зовут?). Full and short forms of given names, patronymic (отчество). Professions. Distinction between Кто это? – Кто он(а)? Application of acquired vocabulary in everyday communication.

Practicing reading: short dialogues. Plural of nouns.

Revision and practice of prossessive pronouns and plural of nouns. Country names, nationalities and languages in Russian. Adjective vs. adverb: русский язык – по-русски.

Written test. Present tense: 1st and 2nd conjugation. Text: Что они делают?

Present tense of regular verbs – exercises. Reading and retelling the text: Мы изучаем русский язык, acquiring new vocabulary.

Application of present tense in everyday communication situations (dialogues). Adverbs: Кто, что и как делает? Practice of previously acquired grammatical units by reading and retelling the text and in speaking (question and answer format).

Adjectives in the Nominative singular and plural. Text: Наш город (text about Sanint Petersburg).

Exercises on adjectives. The use of acquired lexical and grammatical units (describing hometown).

Verbs хотеть and мочь. Modal constructions. Complex sentences (потому что, поэтому). Revision of grammar and vocabulary, preparation for the oral part of the exam.

The Accusative case of nouns (singular) that express inanimate objects. Verbs любить, изучать (what do we study, what books do we read, what films do we watch, what music do we listen to). Introducing yourself: a brief oral presentation.

Exercises on the Accusative form of nouns (singular) with transitive verbs (present tense). Written test.
Required reading1. Чернышов С.И. Поехали! 1. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2014
2. Миллер Л.В., Политова, Л.В., Рыбакова И.Я. Жили-были – 28 уроков русского языка для начинающих. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2016
3. Хавронина С.А., Широченская А.И. Русский язык в упражнениях. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
4. Булгакова Л.Н., Захаренко И.В., Красных В.В. Мои друзья падежи. Русский язык. Курсы, 2014
Additional reading1. Poljanec Radoslav F. Ruska gramatika za svakoga. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013
2. Караванова Н.Б. Говорите правильно! Курс русской разговорной речи. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2018
3. Антонова В.Е., Нахабина Н.Н., Сафронова М.В., Толстых А.А. Дорога в Россию 1. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2013
4. Эсмантова Т. Русский язык: 5 элементов. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2008
5. Articles from journals and Internet
Russian for Academic Purposes 2 
NameRussian for Academic Purposes 2
ECTS credits2
TeachersSanja Veršić, PhD, Lecturer
HoursPractical foreign language exercises 30
PrerequisitesTo enrol course it is necessary to pass course Russian for Academic Purposes 1
GoalAcquiring basic language competences with the purpose of developing reading, writing and oral skills in Russian.
Teaching methodsDiscussions, questions and answers, demonstrations, research, collaborative and individual learning.
Assessment methodsClassroom participation 5%, homework 5%, oral presentation 30%, mid-term exam 30%, final exam 30%
Learning outcomes1. Make simple questions and answers about past events and future plans.
2. Derive basic information from authentic listening materials.
3. Choose key elements from a short text.
4. Find basic information in electronic media or press materials.
5. Prepare and give an oral presentation on a selected topic.
Week by week schedule1.
Revision of lexical and grammatical units acquired in the first semester.

The Prepositional case (singular and plural) of nouns, adjectives and personal pronouns (question где?) Reflexive verbs. Forms, examples and exercises. Reading a text and oral activity.

Past tense. Reading and retelling the letter. Parts of an informal letter. Writing a short letter.

Future tense of imperfective verbs. The Genitive case (singular) of nouns, adjectives and personal pronouns. Verb чувствовать себя. Exercises: constructions у меня есть кто, что? – у меня нет кого, чего?

Cardinal numerals. Verb стоить. The Dative case of personal pronouns (constructions я люблю – мне нравится). Revision and practice of acquired lexical and grammatical units (preparation for the written test).

Written test. Verbal aspect and aspectual pairs (the perfect and imperfect form of the verb). Revision and practice of cardinal numerals: time expression (Который час? Когда?). Oral activities – description of the working day.

The Dative case (singular and plural) of nouns and adjectives. Exercises. Names of months, dates.

Revision and practice of the Prepositional case (answers о ком, чём?) and the Dative case of nouns and adjectives (emphasis on construction кому сколько лет?); constructions кому надо, нужно, необходимо, грустно, весело, etc.

Basic verbs of motion without prefixes. Listening, reading and retelling a text with verbs of motion. Grammatical tasks thematically related to the text.

Verbs of motion with prefixes по-, при,-у-. Text about the school trip to Moscow. Practice of verbs of motion by reading and retelling the text.

The Instrumental case (singular and plural) of nouns, adjectives and personal pronouns. Exercises. Verbs поздравить / поздравлять кого с чем? Russian holidays.

Verbs быть, стать кем?; интересоваться, увлекаться, заниматься чем? Revision and practice of acquired grammatical and lexical units.

Revision of grammar and vocabulary. Preparation for the written test and oral presentations.

Written test. Oral presentations.

Oral presentations.
Required reading1. Чернышов С.И. Поехали! 1. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2014
2. Миллер, Л.В.; Политова, Л.В.; Рыбакова, И.Я. Жили-были – 28 уроков русского языка для начинающих Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2016
3. Хавронина С.А., Широченская А.И. Русский язык в упражнениях. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
4. Булгакова Л.Н., Захаренко И.В., Красных В.В. Мои друзья падежи. Русский язык. Курсы, 2014
Additional reading1. Poljanec Radoslav F. Ruska gramatika za svakoga. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013
2. Антонова В.Е., Нахабина Н.Н., Сафронова М.В., Толстых А.А. Дорога в Россию 1. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2013
3. Овсиенко Ю.Г. Русский язык для начинающих 1. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2018
4. Эсмантова Т. Русский язык: 5 элементов. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2008
5. Articles from journals and Internet
Russian for Academic Purposes 3 
NameRussian for Academic Purposes 3
ECTS credits2
TeachersSanja Veršić, PhD, Lecturer
HoursPractical foreign language exercises 30
PrerequisitesTo enrol course it is necessary to pass course Russian for Academic Purposes 2
GoalAcquiring techniques of writing summaries, developing speaking skills on academic and specific topics and acquiring academic and specific vocabulary.
Teaching methodsDiscussions, questions and answers, demonstrations, research, collaborative and individual learning.
Assessment methodsClassroom participation 5%, homework 5%, oral presentation 30%, mid-term exam 30%, final exam 30%
Learning outcomes1. Use reading techniques for a specific/scientific literature in Russian.
2. Recognize usual methods of structuring a specific/scientific text from overall organization of a text to organizing paragraphs.
3. Use sentence structures in an academic discourse.
4. Summarize and present the content of a listening material.
5. Write the summary of a specific/scientific text.
Week by week schedule1.
Introduction to a course and learning objectives, review of the syllabus. Determining student obligations. Instructions for using literature, e-dictionaries and Internet sources (,,,

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Listening and reading the Russian folk tale The three bears: use of comparatives and superlatives and acquiring new vocabulary. YouTube video material: The three bears (flipped classroom).

Complex sentences (conjunctions что, чтобы, потому что, поэтому). Relative pronoun который, -ая, -ое, -ые. Direct and indirect speech. Practicing Indirect speech in exercises. The use of indirect speech based on the text Букеты: listening, reading and retelling the text. Expanding existing vocabulary.

Revision of the Dative case. Conditional clauses (conjunctions если, если бы). Reading and retelling the text (dialogue) on how to learn a foreign language (the technique of reverse translation), acquiring new vocabulary.

Verbs учить, учиться, изучать, заниматься. Revision of the Accusative case. Acquiring vocabulary related to studying and learning: В университете. Translating short texts to Russian.

Imperative Mood. Use of the Imperative Mood – examples in exercises and related to the text: Советы иностранцам в России. Oral actiovities: giving instructions and advice to colleagues.

Revising comparative adverbs and adjectives. Text (dialogue): Как мы выглядим¬? Describing a person's physical appearance. Application of basic language constructions in everyday communication situations. Text: Иван Петрович получил письмо. Writing a longer e-mail by using newly acquired vocabulary (structure of the letter, different writing styles).

Short forms of adjectives. Character description of a person (synonyms, antonyms), acquiring new vocabulary. Developing the habit of using dictionaries (the Internet). Repetition of previous grammatical units by describing works of art (portraits) by famous Russian artists – Internet sources.

Written test.

Numerals in dates (revision). Какого числа и года? Ordinal numbers. Planning activities. Revision of the Genitive case (singular), the Instrumental and Prepositional case of nouns, adjectives and pronouns with prepositions. Reading and retelling short texts. Application of acquired constructions in everyday communication situations.

Prepositions of place. Verbs стоять, лежать, висеть. Exercises. Listening and reading text: История о необычном доме. Description of paintings (interiors) by Russian artists – Internet sources.

Prepositions (direction). Verbs ставить (поставить), класть (положить), вешать (повесить). Practicing using of verbs – exercises. Text: Иван Петрович отвечает Сирпе. Composition writing: Description of my study room.

Revision of grammatical and lexical structures – preparation for the written test.

Written test. Oral presentations on a given topic.

Oral presentations on a given topic.
Required reading1. Чернышов С.И., Чернышова А.В. Поехали 2.2 Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2014
2. Миллер, Л.В.; Политова, Л.В.; Рыбакова, И.Я. Жили-были – 12 уроков русского языка. Базовый уровень Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2015
3. Бондарь Н.И., Лутин С.А. Как спросить? Как сказать? Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2013
4. Хавронина, С.А., Широченская А.И. Русский язык в упражнениях Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
Additional reading1. Poljanec Radoslav F. Ruska gramatika za svakoga. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013
2. Антонова, В.Е., Нахабина Н.Н., Сафронова М.В., Толстых А.А. Дорога в Россию 2. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2011
3. Овсиенко Ю.Г. Русский язык. Cредний этап 2. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
4. Hrnjak A. Шаг за шагом. Zagreb: Knjigra, 2010
5. Articles from journals and Internet
Russian for Academic Purposes 4 
NameRussian for Academic Purposes 4
ECTS credits2
TeachersSanja Veršić, PhD, Lecturer
HoursPractical foreign language exercises 30
PrerequisitesTo enrol course it is necessary to pass course Russian for Academic Purposes 3
GoalAcquiring techniques of writing summaries, developing speaking skills on academic and specific topics and acquiring academic and specific vocabulary.
Teaching methodsDiscussions, questions and answers, demonstrations, research, collaborative and individual learning.
Assessment methodsClassroom participation 5%, homework 5%, oral presentation 30%, mid-term exam 30%, final exam 30%
Learning outcomes1. Discuss specific topics supported by arguments in Russian.
2. Give a presentation on specific topic.
3. Write the summary of a specific text in Russian.
4. Make a general outline and write an essay on a specific topic.
Week by week schedule1.
Academic writing – introductory words and phrases (connectors) to use in an academic essay (expressing opinion, attutude, agreement or disagreement, giving argumentations, conclusion). Writing a short opinion essay on given assertions.

Future tense (distinction between imperfective and perfective verb aspect): the perfective future. Exercises. Oral activities. Reading the text (dialogue) and choosing the correct form of a verb in brackets.

Numerals – time expression. Constructions with prepositions с, до (по). Imperfective and perfective gerunds. Exercises. YouTube video material: Деепричастный оборот (flipped classroom)

Indefinite pronouns with particles –то, -нибудь, кое-. Exercises. Video material: Неопределенные местоимения и наречия – Internet sources. Reading a text (letter). Writing a summary.

Negative ни- and не-: prefixes denoting negation. Practice of acquired grammatical and lexical units in speaking and writing. Text: Выходной день студента. Preparation for the written test.

Written test. The Genitive case (plural) of nouns and numerals. Exercises. Topic: the city (Saint Petersburg and Zagreb). Reading text: О Петербурге. Acquisition of new vocabulary and its application in everyday communication situations.

Watching video material on Saint Petersburg and/or the Moscow Metro – materials from Internet sources, practice of the Genitive case of plural nouns. Acquisition of new vocabulary and its application in everyday communication situations.

Reflexive verbs (revision) in active constructions. Introduction to passive constructions. Verbs with passive meaning. Exercises on passive constructions and video material – Internet sources. Expressing passive meaning with reflexive passive forms – oral activities.

Passive voice (imperfective and perfective verbs). Exercises on passive constructions and video material – Internet sources. Reading and recognizing passive constructions in a specific/scientific text.

Active participles. Formation of present active and past active participle. Exercises. Reading and recognizing participle forms in excerpts from specific/scientific texts (articles).

Passive participles. Formation of present passive and past passive participle. Exercises. Reading and recognizing participle forms in excerpts from specific/scientific texts (articles). Text: Выпускники Московского университета.

Reading text: Татьянин день (Russian Student's day). Revision – preparation for the written test.

Written test. Short opinion essay.

Oral presentations.

Oral presentations.
Required reading1. Чернышов С.И., Чернышова А.В. Поехали 2.2 Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2014
2. Миллер Л.В., Политова, Л.В., Рыбакова, И.Я. Жили-были – 12 уроков русского языка. Базовый уровень. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2015
3. Бондарь Н.И., Лутин С.А. Как спросить? Как сказать? Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2013
4. ХХавронина, С.А., Широченская А.И. Русский язык в упражнениях Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
Additional reading1. Poljanec Radoslav F. Ruska gramatika za svakoga. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013
2. Антонова, В.Е., Нахабина Н.Н., Сафронова М.В., Толстых А.А. Дорога в Россию 2. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2011
3. Овсиенко Ю.Г. Русский язык. Cредний этап 2. Москва: Русский язык. Курсы, 2015
4. Hrnjak A. Шаг за шагом. Zagreb: Knjigra, 2010.
5. Articles from journals and Internet